Alice Ball

She was the the first woman and first African American to graduate from the University of Hawaii with a masters degree in science and went on to develop the best treatment for leprosy in the 20th century.

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Dr.Antonia Novello

She was the first female and first hispanic Surgeon General for the United States from 1990-1993.

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Vera Rubin

She was an American astronomer who was a pioneer on galaxy rotation rates and provided data which was the first evidence for dark matter. She won many awards for her achievements such as the Bruce Medal and the National Medal of Science.

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Susan La Flesche Picotte

She was a Native American Doctor in the 19th century and campaigned for public health specifically to prevent and treat tuberculosis. She worked as a physician on the reservation and discouraged drinking as part of the temperance movement.

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Tu Youyou

She is a Chinese pharmaceutical chemist and malariologist who discovered a breakthrough treatment for malaria which saved millions of lives everywhere. She is also the first Chinese person to recieve the Lasker award.

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Mamie Phipps Clark

She was the first Black woman to earn a doctorate degree in psychology from Columbia University. Her master's thesis,"The Development of Consciousness of Self in Negro Pre-School Children," was important in the Brown v. Board of Education court case.

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Elizabeth Blackwell

She was a British physician who was the first to recieve a medical degree in the United States. She would face prejudice for being a woman in the field of medicine throughout her career. She was rejected from each school she applied to until Geneva Medical School where the student's voted on her acceptance.

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Dr. Flossie Wong-Staal

She was a Chinese American virologist and molecular biologist and was the first person to clone HIV which was a huge step in proving that HIV causes AIDS. She lived from August 27,1946-July 8,2020.

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Bertha Parker Pallan Cody

She was the first Native American female archaeologist who worked as an assistant in archaeology at the Southwest Museum. She lived from August 30,1907-October 8,1978.

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Dr.Chien-Shiung Wu

She was a Chinese-American physicist who made great achievements in nuclear physics. She conducted the Wu experiment which proved that parity is not conserved after which she won the Wolf Prize in Physics and earned her nicknames like "First Lady of Physics" or "Queen of Nuclear Research".

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Janaki Ammal

She was an Indian botanist who worked on cytogenetics and phytogeography. She is most known for her work with eggplants and sugarcane and being the co-author for the book, "Chromosome Atlas of Cultivated Plants". SHe was also awarded the Padma Shri by the government of India in 1977.

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Sameera Moussa

She was the first female nuclear physicist who had a doctorate in atom radiation. She also organized the Atomic Energy for Peace Conference. She was also the first woman to work at Cairo University.

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Đặng Thùy Trâm

She was a vietnamese doctor who worked as a battlefield surgeon during the Vietnam War. She was most famous for her diary which recounted the last two years of her life before her death in a gun battle on June 22,1970. Her diary was released in Vietnam in 2005 which was 35 years after her death.

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Eliza Mohoney

She was the first African-American to study and work as a professional nurse in the U.S and was the first African-American to graduate from an American school of nursing.

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Eulalia Guzman

She was a Mexican woman and was one of the first females to work in archaeology in Mexico. She was the lead inevstigator for the remains found in Ixcateopan and Guerrero where she found the "Last Aztec Emperor", Cuauhtémoc.

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